Painters Business Academy

Painters Business Academy is an event created by Sarah and Kate, two experienced and award-winning business owners in the furniture painting industry. They recognized the need for a comprehensive and supportive learning experience for small business owners in this field. With their combined expertise and experiences, Sarah and Kate have designed the event to provide valuable insights, tips, and tools to help attendees take their business to the next level. They both have been able to turn their hobby into a successful business with the help of a supportive community and resources. The Painters Business Academy is their way of giving back and supporting others in the industry to do the same. The conference is geared toward individuals who want to start or grow their furniture painting business, and will provide a platform for attendees to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from experts in the field.


Award Winning
Technical Refinisher of 2019

My story is about a group of women who took a chance and stepped out of their comfort zones.


A few years ago an exciting opportunity came up for my group of business buddies, It was an opportunity to go to a business conference in Canada.  As small independents, this was a huge investment,  We didn’t know if it would be worth it, or if our businesses could even afford it?  But we decided to take the chance.


We had a fantastic time there, learned a lot, formed useful friendships with people we knew online, but that wasn’t the best part. The best part was forming this relationship, this bond that we have…Priceless. It’s been the backbone of all the difficult decisions I have had to make, the source of my giggles over coffee in the morning, the understanding of what I’m going through, And an immense comfort to know they have my back. They are my sounding board and my support network. 

find Sarah on the web: Home Revival Interiors


Award Winning
Upcycler of 2019

With over  20 years of running a family business in the London Interiors world, my experiences – good and bad – have taught me a lot about the rights and wrongs of running a small business – I want to share that knowledge with you.


I have always been creative around our homes, and painted and upholstered furniture for us, family and friends.  I wanted to turn this hobby into a business but was put off by some people.  I found my own support network on line and became a Fusion Mineral Paint Stockist – they both gave me all the support and encouragement I needed.  This was really cemented at the conference in Canada where I then believed I really could do this!  


With the support of The House of Up, I have since gone on to have work displayed at Decorex and Grand Designs, and have demonstrated at the Hand Made Fair – next, I will be demonstrating Upcycling at the Ideal Home Show I am also a paid community manager for a few large groups on Facebook – don’t let those doubters put you off! 

Find Kate on the web: Colour me KT

What attendees are saying ...

"After 3 days, enormous amounts of information and training, strategies for business and new ideas how to take this growing upcycling business to next levels."

What a fantastic weekend at the Furniture Painters Business Academy!

After 3 long days, enormous amounts of information and training, strategies for business and new ideas how to take this growing upcycling business to next levels. Was fantastic to finally meet all these furniture artists and influencers, finally in the real life where you could put faces to the art these ladies and gentlemen are creating.

Not to mentioning the fantastic sponsors and their generous gifts to all us attendees.

I came back exhausted, but fully recharged in a creative way, inspired and ready to rock n’ roll once again! Fantastic weekend and what an amazing community this is!

I feel like i met the most wonderful like-minded people who will probably be friends for life after this weekend.

Biggest thank you to 2 amazing women Kate Holt and Sarah Pelley who made this happen!


buy your tickets now



This is for a 2-day residential ticket-sharing room. This is double bed NOT twin beds 

£ 525

This room is suitable for couples

Single Occupancy

This is for a 2-day residential ticket single occupancy. There is limited number of these tickets available.

£ 595


This day ticket gives you access to the Furniture Painters Business Conference from 9AM – 5PM on Saturday 2nd September 2023

£ 225


 This day ticket gives you access to the Furniture Painters Business Conference from 9AM – 4PM on Sunday 3rd September 2023

£ 200


This weekend day ticket gives you access to the Furniture Painters Business Conference from 9AM – 5PM on Saturday 2nd & Sunday 9AM – 4PM 3rd September

£ 225


All residential sharing and single tickets have sold out. There is alternative accommodations near by. Please contact Sarah or Kate or check the Facebook group for links to hotels 



Here's why you need to get your tickets for PBA today

This is the most amazing lineup of guests, sponsors and speakers the UK has seen in our industry. This is THE place to be if you are serious about growing your furniture painting business and expanding your network and opportunities. You will leave inspired and excited about taking the next step in your furniture painting journey. 

Painters Business Academy is fast becoming an international event with guests sponsors and speakers travelling from all over the world to attend.

Sarah and Kate are passionate about helping elevate the furniture painting industry and they know the best way to help is by getting YOU in a room with all these amazing people.


Why put your success off for another day